ThisPlays2 is fighting against black screens worldwide

Online visibility is becoming increasingly important, and more and more companies are now bringing the same video content to their off-line world in the store, the lobby or the waiting room. It is important that you extend this message to your physical location, so that on-line and off-line merge together. Screens ensure the easy integration of your online story into your store or company.

Screen communication or narrowcasting is no longer unknown and unreachable. It can be used anywhere, and, when used correctly, can ensure fast and efficient communication. Many companies already use screens, but they are often switched off or display content that is outdated and/or is not dynamic. And so they do not achieve their objective, assuming an objective has been defined.

ThisPlays2 wants to combat these black, static screens or non-up-to-date content worldwide and to help its customers to create unique and powerful communication.

ThisPlays2 is expanding its customer network on a daily basis. Most of our customers are located in Belgium and Europe, but more and more locations are also being installed in North America. The ambition of ThisPlays2 is to continue to become more international in the coming years, with partners all over the world.