Clips with "stopping power"

Where available, we create exciting animated clips based on photos and videos that appeal to customers. Not PowerPoint animations, but clear dynamic messages with “stopping power”. We also make motion graphics or animation videos based on illustrations that we make ourselves. Even if you don’t have any photos or video, but only text, we can get started with word animations, icons and animation. An animation video stimulates both halves of the brain, and ensures that information is stored so much faster. And you can, of course, always program this video online on your website or social channels, possibly with audio and subtitles. This provides extra impact.

If you quickly need a photographer to take pictures of your projects, ThisPlays2 is also the ideal partner. We have qualified photographers who can quickly and efficiently shoot the right images to incorporate into the animations. ThisPlays2 also has expertise available for mini video reports.

All our animations can be viewed at

Customer cases