Objectives of a shop window display

Impress consumers on the high street with window displays. When customers want to reach more of their own customers or consumers from the street, a window display screen is an effective solution. 

Thanks to the window display , a business will subconsciously stand out and be remembered faster, even when the customer passes the shop in a hurry.

Shop window display at Les Jumelles
Shop window display at P&V

Placing a screen in a shop window makes the brand more easily perceived. Accordingly, screens are more often seen in shopping streets.

Moving images consciously excite the customer’s brain and create a pulling effect.

Shop window display at RED
Shop window display at Jamar
Shop window display at Fietsen de Geus
Digitale communicatiemiddelen
Shop window display at Eyes + More

your brand to potential customers

A shop window display can therefore also serve to emphasise a brand more. People see movement from a greater distance and are more likely to find out what this movement represents. As a result, they will keep looking for a longer time and the brand will be emphasised even more.

As such, thanks to the window display , a business will subconsciously stand out and be remembered faster, even when the customer passes the shop in a hurry.

Stand out from competitors

A window display is a great way to stay ahead of other competitors or shops in the same shopping street. Use your shop window to show that you are innovative and that you go that extra mile to inspire and inform customers and passers-by, which therefore also contributes to the customer-friendliness with which a shop is associated.

Shop window display at Zebrastraat
Shop window display at Kockx

A Display Screen Enhances the Sales Process

Display screen communication through storefront screens aids the sales process. Often, customers showcase their best products, or highlight deals and promotions. Inspiring images lead to increased sales. Additionally, display screen communication tells the story of the business, supporting the store’s appearance and atmosphere.

Storefront screens create a positive, motivating atmosphere for both customers and employees. Thanks to the storefront screens, potential customers ask questions about new products they wouldn’t otherwise inquire about, leading to more interaction between customers and sales staff.

The result of window displays

Display communication via window displays inspires, informs, and motivates customers, visitors, and employees.

This leads to more intense shopping moments, more loyal customers, more efficient operational systems and ultimately results in higher turnover.

How do we work with narrowcasting for your shop window

ThisPlays2 uses the COSOS methodology: COntent, SOftware, and Screen.

At ThisPlays2 we always start up 2 procedures for narrowcasting: the creative and the technical.

For the creative process we work together with the content department to develop a content plan for the specific target group of your shop and the start-up package with video animations. With the digital content, we ensure the perfect message for your target group.

For the technical process we come on site together with our technicians. We discuss where the narrowcasting hardware will be installed and how the cabling and internet connection will be placed. We meticulously install all these components to your entire satisfaction.

From that moment on ThisPlays2 is available each day for all support on the narrowcasting system in terms of creation and programming of images in the narrowcasting software.

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